例えば、The Beatlesのオブラディオブラダを聴きながら、横断歩道を渡る人々を見ると、凄く楽しそうに見えませんか? もし口喧嘩をしながら渡っていたとしても、音楽に乗せるとどこか微笑ましく見えるような。 イラストを描いていると、そんな感じで違う世界で新しい物語が広がります。
人それぞれ、無になる時間を持っていると思いますが、私の場合はこのファッションチェックin cafeの時間もそう。好きな事に没頭し、無になる時間はいわゆるマインドフルネスにも通じていると思うので、そう言った引き出しが自分の中にあればあるほど、ストレス解消が上手になったり、気持ちの切り替えのコツが掴める気がします。
Today’s fashion check
This is the time when I get inspiration from nice people I see on the street and imagine this and that on my own, illustrating them on the spot.
Today’s fashion check started at tea time in the evening.
It was cloudy in the morning, but it suddenly cleared up in the evening and the sun came out.
I was so caught off guard by the cloudy sky that I did not put on sunscreen or carry a parasol. I chewed my sweet treat while clinking ice cubes in my iced tea, and watched the people on the street in a daze.
Many people wear sneakers nowadays. In particular, sneaker style is the norm for Generation Z. Sneakers come in a wide range of silhouettes and types, and now they are no longer worn only for sports. Today, we see a variety of ways to wear sneakers.
A woman with white skin, long shiny dark brown hair, and a tight-fitting black outfit accented with fluorescent coral orange sneakers. A mother on an electric bicycle wearing a light gray beret, her hair tied up in a single bun, a white cut-and-sew, a black salopette, and voluminous New Balance MS327s.
She wears a white T-shirt on her tanned skin with a pair of jacket pants made of a light material. A man wearing stretch pants with firm muscles on his calves and bright white sneakers.
I also keep up a relaxed body maintenance routine based on yoga, but my muscles are soft and my body fat percentage is higher than it looks, so it’s hard for me to become muscular. So I find it beautiful to see muscles that are moderately muscular.
I wish for a man who can make me fall in love with him again today! I was thinking to myself, “I’m so excited to see you again today!
At a quick glance, I saw a woman who looked like she was engaged in some kind of business and was accustomed to wearing clothes to show someone.
Her short bob with mixed highlights, long swinging earrings, and clean-cut, neatly cropped collar give her a clean look.
Even with her 7cm pin heels, her body axis is firm and she walks quickly and with good posture in a beautiful manner.
Sleek muscles on her arms stretch from her charcoal gray French sleeve cut and sewn dress, tonal leggings, and open toed pin heeled boot sandals.
The mask is a darker gray.
In fact, she was carrying her lunch in a plastic bag in her hand, but I imagined that a dark pink peony would look great with this chic shade. If this person were a florist, standing in the store wearing this outfit and an apron, I would be tempted to walk into the store.
If a person with extremely light skin tone wears a dark tone color combination like this, the low tone of the clothes would stand out and the color would show too much, or if the person is not wearing proper makeup, he or she would look pale like the Addams Family. If the eyebrows are well-made and cohesive, the rest of the hair will look great without bringing out the skin tone.
If there is a glimpse of adequate muscle there, the bells of my personal amateur throat singing masterpiece award will ring in my head.
Kinkong kankon kankon kankon kankon kankon kankon kankon kankon kankon kankon
Kink-kink-kooker-ooooo ✨🔔✨
The styling of this person today is familiar to me and I often wear this combination when I go to yoga.
When I take classes outside, I like ankle-length leggings, so I wear a yoga camisole, yoga leggings, and a tunic or wide silhouette long shirt over that. That way, if I have plans for lunch or tea afterwards, all I have to do is fix my hair!
Loungewear is also a basic combination of bra cami + leggings + tunic or bra cami + cut and sewn with a large collar opening + sarouel pants, so that you can do yoga anytime, anywhere.
So when I see a coordination like this person’s today, I feel a sense of familiarity and at the same time I want to ask her why she chose this combination.
Is it because it is easy to move in, or is it to cover up her figure, or is it so that she can do yoga anywhere and anytime like I do? I am very interested in the motive.
Just as I was deeply interested in the motive behind my grandmother’s perm when we talked about hairstyles.
Sometimes, while drawing an illustration, the story of the woman in the picture comes to mind.
Why did she choose that outfit today, what kind of profession does she have, and what kind of person does she love?
If I get inspiration from a nice person on the street and illustrate it, sometimes there is a moment when the picture seems to walk the streets with its heart.
For example, if you see people crossing the street in a crosswalk while listening to The Beatles’ Obra di Obrada, doesn’t it look like they are having a great time? Even if they are quarreling with each other, the music makes them seem to be smiling. When I draw illustrations, a new story opens up in a different world like that.
I think each person has their own time to become nothing, and in my case, this fashion check in cafe time is the same. The more drawers I have in my mind, the better I feel I can relieve stress and get the hang of changing my mind.
I don’t force myself to increase the number of drawers. I want to find a drawer in which I can immerse myself and become nothing.
Now that the sun has set and the weather has cooled down, I buy some flowers and a cake and head home.
I will bring you another fashion check from a cafe somewhere in the city.