


“世渡りは 五分はまじめで二分は肚 残る三分は茶目でゆけ”  〜はたや印〜





“未だかつて邪は正に勝たず” 〜菅原道真〜


短いですが、とても強い言葉。大好きです。 正と邪は誰の中にもあると思っています。そして、邪から見れば、こちらが邪なのかも知れません。清濁合わせ呑むと言う言葉がある通り、正だけでは生きて行けないのも分かっていますが、それでも自分にとっての邪には負けたくないです。

“尊敬すべき幸福な人は、逆境にいてもつまらぬ事はくよくよせず、自分の力のない事は天に任せて、自分の心がけを良くし、根本から再生の努力をする人である”  〜武者小路実篤〜

逆境にいてもつまらぬ事はくよくよせず・・・ これは概ね出来ていると思います。たまに襲ってくるネガティブの波の乗りこなし方さえ知ればOK。




“他人とも、過去の自分とも比べない” 〜大根ちゃま〜







Words written down unintentionally

Sometimes I am saved by a word I suddenly see. So I write them down in a notebook and look back at them so I don’t forget them.

While the words that resonate with me change depending on the situation, here are a few that will never fade away.

“In the world, be serious for five minutes and mischievous for the remaining three minutes.

These words were written on a chopstick bag I saw on Twitter.

I really think this is true. Seriousness is a prerequisite for both work and socializing. I think the author’s intention was to say, “Two minutes is one’s mind,” or that eating is important.

I very much agree that three minutes is a tease! I would like to be a pretty woman at any age. My idea of cuteness is not to be pretentious or flirtatious, but I want to be the kind of person whose face somehow breaks into tears when I think of that person.

Even if you say the same thing, the way you say it is important. And the time and place. When this person says it to me, I can listen to it, but when that person says it to me, I can’t help but think, “Hmmm…! I know, there are times when you have to ask yourself, “What is it that I want to do? If you choose your words too carefully, they will come across as false, but if you choose your words with the other person in mind, I believe it will convey sincerity. The bottom line is that it is important to cultivate a human nature that will make people listen to what you have to say, even if you say the same thing. I will be diligent!

“Evil has never yet triumphed over righteousness” – Sugawara no Michizane

I read these words with the hope that they are so.

Short but very strong words. I love it. I believe there is right and wrong in everyone. And from the evil point of view, this one may be evil. As the saying goes, “You can’t live only with the positive,” but I still don’t want to be defeated by the evil for me.

“A respectable and happy person is one who, even in adversity, does not dwell on trivial things, but leaves to the heavens what he has no power to do, improves his own mind, and makes efforts to regenerate from the root” ~Saneatsu Mushanokoji

In adversity, do not dwell on trivial matters… I believe this can be done through hard work. If only I knew how to shake off the doldrums that sometimes attack me.

Leave to heaven what you don’t have the power to do… Isn’t this pretty hard to do? Especially if you are a self-contained person. How much should we do on our own and how much should we leave to the heavens?

Improve your own mind…some days you can and some days you can’t, but you will definitely feel better if you do.

I am a person who makes efforts to regenerate from the root. I am proud that I am continuing to do so, but, I would like to ask you, Saneatsu-san, where is your goal? (Laughter)

“I don’t compare myself to others or to my past self” -Daikon Chama

A friend of mine sent me this quote from Daikon-chan, a loose character, when I was feeling stagnant.

Don’t underestimate him as a loose character. The words are simple, but they are very powerful.

When I am stuck in a stagnant situation, I inevitably compare myself to my past self who was able to do many things and get depressed. Let’s walk forward, in the true sense of the word. It’s hard to walk with your back turned!

That’s all for today. Thank you for taking the time to read my one-man flippant commentary on my favorite words.

I will write more irregularly about the words that I have unintentionally accumulated.